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Find Similar tracks with our AI tool
Searching made faster!

Search for a similar track to one you’ve found on our website by clicking the magnifying glass icon on each track line.

Click the Find Similar button to find similar tracks

When clicked you will see the icon change to a blue colour indicating this is your reference track. The reference track will stay at the top of your search results and similar tracks will appear underneath for comparison.

Blue background on icon indicates this is your reference track

Find tracks similar to music on YouTube Find tracks similar to music on Vimeo Find tracks similar to music on Spotify Find tracks similar to music on Apple Music Find tracks similar to music on Soundcloud Find tracks similar to music on TikTok

Now easily search for similar tracks from YouTube, Vimeo, Spotify, Apple Music, SoundCloud & Tik Tok.

Find similar tracks to those on YouTube, Vimeo, Spotify, Apple Music, SoundCloud & Tik Tok by simply entering the URL address of the song you want into the search bar and hit enter.

Find similar tracks from a Youtube, Spotify or TikTok URL

All of your similar searches will be saved in your Search History list.

Click Search History to see your similar searches